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Connect the Dots Faster With Geovisualization

Unlock the power of rich visual data with the context needed to take action faster and respond more proactively to evolving events.


Respond to Extreme Weather Events With Precision and Clarity

Dataminr Pulse's geovisualization capability visualizes hurricane paths, active alert zones and storm impact areas

With open-source data layers from providers such as the National Weather Service and proprietary data providers like IBM Weather, your team can visualize hurricane paths, active alert zones and storm impact areas—enabling you to respond proactively to major weather events and maintain an accurate line of sight as they unfold. 

Beyond anticipated landfalls and storm trajectories, with Dataminr Pulse you can monitor the cascading effects of tropical activity—including storm surges and power outages—and how these events could impact your business.

Ready to Get Started? We’re Here to Help.